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MySugardaddy Blog

daddy issues: sugar baby who has it wearing shirt that reads "not your baby"

Daddy Issues: Do All Sugar Babies Have It? What Are the Signs?

Have you ever been accused of having daddy issues or worried about having them? In this article, we’ll explain what daddy issues are, how to recognize if you or someone you know has them and what you can do about it!

By Luna

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couple talking about a relationship break

Relationship Break: Solution or Beginning of the End?

In a relationship, hardly any other topic is as controversial as this one. Here comes our advice for all those who are currently in a relationship crisis and are asking themselves the question: is a relationship break the solution or the beginning of the end?

By Luna

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girl thinking about doing sugar dating for the moneyey

Is sugar dating a good choice? (2/2)

Sugar dating is often seen by outsiders as a form of prostitution. But what is it like behind the scenes? Where is the line? And how relevant is sex really? As a continuation of last week’s blog entry, today we will finish answering this question: is sugar dating a good choice?

By Luna

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girl reflection on whether sugar dating is the right for her

Is sugar dating a good choice? (1/2)

Sugar dating is often seen by outsiders as a form of prostitution. But what is it like behind the scenes? Why does someone start sugar dating? And don’t prejudice and negative press articles deter them?

By Luna

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love and quarantine

Love & Quarantine: 7 Date Ideas

It is clear that going out to eat in a nice and exclusive restaurant in the city center is something everybody would like to do with their significant other. Just like going to the movies, listening to some live music or going out dancing. Unfortunately, in these quarantine times, we have to stay at home […]

By Luna

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woman holding shopping bags she got by rinsing

What’s “RINSING” and is it necessarily BAD?

Many sugar daddies avoid “rinser” sugar babies at any cost. However, some sugar dating websites (including MySugardaddy up until late 2020) list “rinsing” as an answer to the question “what are you interested in?” That is often the first time people stumble upon this expression and look it up. This is where we come in […]

By Luna

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Partner dances to straighten your relationship

Partner Dances to Strengthen your Relationship

Everyone knows that sport unites. Why not also use it to strengthen your relationship with your partner? Today I will present to you the perfect sporting discipline for this purpose. Yes, I’m talking about partner dances, which bring significant benefits not only on a physical but also on a mental and emotional level.

By elma

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A couple in Lissabon, Portugal

The 5 Love Languages: Quality Time Explained

In the last posts, we talked about the 5 Love Languages and how to find out what yours is. We also dedicated posts to physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service. Today, the topic is quality time, one of the most abstract of them. But don’t worry! I promise to explain it as […]

By elma

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Older men are the best partners

Advantages of dating older men

Relationships between older men and younger women are very common. In fact, they are the most frequent type of relationship – out of every 4 marriages, 3 are like that. In the Sugar Dating world, this trend is even more pronounced. According to our site’s statistics, Sugar Babies are on average 23 years old, and  […]

By elma

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European Sugar Daddies

What to expect from European Sugar Daddies

How are Sugar Daddies of different European countries? When we talk about how people from different cultures behave, we can’t simply generalize. Each person is unique, regardless of nationality. However, we frequently say, for example, that people from some cultures are warmer than others. This, among others, are the so-called stereotypes. Or in other words, […]

By elma

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