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Relationship Break: Solution or Beginning of the End?

In a relationship, hardly any other topic is as controversial as this one. Here comes our advice for all those who are currently in a relationship crisis and are asking themselves the question: is a relationship break the solution or the beginning of the end?

The goal of a relationship break

The reasons for a couple to decide to take a break can be different โ€” but in most cases, it is the desire for clarity: about one’s own feelings, about one’s partner, about one’s own point of view, interest and wishes. A break in the relationship should make you realize whether you want to stay together with someone and, if so, what needs to change or if you should break up with someone because the relationship doesn’t fulfill your expectations and doesn’t feel good to you anymore.

Relationship break: the first step to break up or a new chance for love?

A relationship sometimes doesn’t work and a breakup is clearly the only solution. But some couples find this decision difficult. The solution: a temporary break in the relationship.

“I need a break” โ€” this is a sentence most people don’t want to hear from their partner. Probably because a break in the relationship sounds like the first step to a definite separation. The relationship pause has a bad rap, as if the definitive end of the relationship is being prophesied, but sometimes it is a necessary evil.

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Some reasons that speak for a break

couple on a relationship break

If both partners decide to take a break from their relationship and believe in a common future, there are several reasons for a break:

Some reasons that speak against a break

couple hugging after a break

Often a relationship break can entail risks and even be fatal if one person wants the break more than the other. Here are some reasons why you should think twice before asking for a break:

Some rules for your time apart

If you are considering a short-term separation, many questions arise. Even though every relationship is different and the partners consequently create different rules, you should consider the following aspects and settle them before the break.

Duration of the break: the duration of it depends on many factors. You should definitely define a clear time span. This can range from a few weeks to a few months. The break should last no less than six weeks and no longer than six months. Breaks that are too short do not give you enough distance, while a break that is too long can cause you to grow apart.

Spatial separation: taking a break in the shared apartment is not easy to carry out. It should be clarified who moves out so that you don’t have to meet each other every day. Financial issues should also be discussed, such as rent payments and utility bills.

Establishing contact during the break: you should determine how often and in what form you want to have contact during the break. In the beginning, however, there should be absolute radio silence. The place and time for the meeting should also be determined.

Sexual contact: Do you stay faithful to each other during the short break? Is an open relationship allowed? Are flirting or sexual encounters with others allowed? These questions should be clarified beforehand to prevent bitter disappointments.


couple dining together after a relationship break

Couples who are currently having a hard time together but still want to give their relationship a chance should consider a break.

Of course, some time apart by itself isn’t the solution. You will need a lot of time to reflect and find solutions. But one thing is certain: If some couples can gather the courage to take a break from their relationship, they might still be together today. For many, the distance has helped and they are happy again, but some of them have also realized the end had come.

Certainly there are success stories, but there are also many permanent separations. A relationship break will help you to decide whether to continue the current partnership or to make a new start with a new partner, maybe someone you’ve met at MySugardaddy.