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MySugardaddy Blog

How to change your habits in 2020 in 4 simple steps

New Year, New Habits Another year is coming to an end. And it’s common that with the arrival of the New Year, a wish to change something in our lives also grows in our hearts. Some people may want to quit smoking, go to the gym more regularly or read more books. In short, we […]

By elma

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A couple hugging in front of a Christmas tree

Christmas traditions around the World

Christmas traditions in different countries Welcome to one of the most expected periods of the year: Christmas! Regardless of the cold weather, this is the time of the year that warms everybody’s hearts. It is a time of love, celebration, joy, and hope. For us, it is also about spending a great time with family […]

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Gifts is a love language

The 5 Love Languages: Gifts

Gifts are a universal way of providing joy. However, the intensity of the emotion caused by them varies from person to person. The reason is simple: as we explained in our first article about the 5 Love Languages, each person is more sensitive to one way of expressing love than the others. For instance, there […]

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A guy using a laptop to communicate with his partner

How to really make a long-distance relationship last

Long-distance relationships are not uncommon. According to some statistics, in the USA, 75% of all engaged couples have been in a long-distance relationship. There are many reasons for that, but work is definitely the most common. In this context, if you are in a relationship with a Sugar Daddy, most probably, you’ll have to deal […]

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Passion-killers to avoid in your relationships

When we are in a relationship or getting to know someone we like, there are certain things that we must look out for. In an attempt to seduce the other person, we can make mistakes. Many times these mistakes might not get the reaction we were expecting from the other person. Sometimes even the opposite. […]

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Love knows no age

Love knows no age – or does it?

In occidental societies, it was common to find arranged marriages between really young girls and older guys in earlier times. However, nowadays, opinions about these age differences probably diverge more than ever. So the question is, where exactly does our society draw the moral line when the topic is age gap relationships?

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Seeking a Sugar Daddy

Exclusivity in a Sugar Relationship

In conventional relationships, it is common that once the couple assumes the relationship, it is automatically a closed one. Sad, but also common, is that eventually one of the partners ends up cheating the other. A Sugar Relationship is anything but conventional. However, one of its main characteristics is its transparency. In this way, how […]

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Partner dances to straighten your relationship

Partner Dances to Strengthen your Relationship

Everyone knows that sport unites. Why not also use it to strengthen your relationship with your partner? Today I will present to you the perfect sporting discipline for this purpose. Yes, I’m talking about partner dances, which bring significant benefits not only on a physical but also on a mental and emotional level.

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A couple in Lissabon, Portugal

The 5 Love Languages: Quality Time Explained

In the last posts, we talked about the 5 Love Languages and how to find out what yours is. We also dedicated posts to physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service. Today, the topic is quality time, one of the most abstract of them. But don’t worry! I promise to explain it as […]

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Luxurious sport: horseback riding

Luxurious Sports: when health meet status

Successful Sugardaddies have a lot in common. They have millions in their accounts, have a job that they like to do and, above all, they do one thing regularly: sport. Exercising plays a decisive role in staying healthy. In addition, choosing a particularly expensive sport shows status. It not only improves one’s image but also […]

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