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MySugardaddy Blog

splenda daddy on his laptop

What’s a “Splenda Daddy”?

I remember when I was new to the sugar bowl and got puzzled when I heard Splenda daddy for the first time. Now that’s something I hear several times a week. Here’s what you need to know about Splenda daddies and why you should run from them as fast as your legs can carry you:

By Luna

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representation of plane heading to foreign sugar daddy

Relationship with a Foreign Sugar Daddy?

The question you might be asking yourself is: can it even work? Let’s not lie, it’s not that simple. The future may seem rather uncertain when entering into a relationship with a foreign sugar daddy. There are so many potential obstacles, starting with distance. On the other hand, many wonderful adventures can be had! Here’s […]

By Luna

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romantic sugar daddy looking proudly at his bride

Sugar Daddies: The Romantic Type

In the final part of our series about sugar daddies, we will be talking about the romantic type. How can you recognize one when you first interact with them? Why did he become a sugar daddy? And what are his expectations?

By Luna

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spoon of salt daddy

What’s a “Salt Daddy”?

Yes, dear reader, you read it correctly: salt daddy is a thing! I swear I haven’t just made it up! Let’s not beat around the table for too long and go straight to our question: what exactly is a “salt daddy” and why is it called that? Here are two short stories to illustrate it:

By Luna

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fetishist sugar daddy playing with his sugar baby

Sugar Daddies: The Fetishist Type

Part 3 of the series about the different kinds of sugar daddies is about the fetishist sugar daddies. What’s different about them? Why did they enter the sugar bowl? What are their expectations?

By Luna

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man wearing wedding ring representing a common type of sugar daddy

What’s the right type of sugar daddy for you?

The definition of sugar daddy is quite vague: a (usually) older, successful man seeking the company of an attractive, younger woman. But what are they really like? And what type of sugar daddy suits you best? Which kind should you avoid? In this article, we will answer all these questions and more. Here are the […]

By Luna

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lonely sugar daddy smoking a cigar

Sugar Daddies: The Lonely Type

Part 4 of the series about sugar daddies is about the lonely type. What’s peculiar to lonely sugar daddies? What made him become a sugar daddy? And what does he expect from his sugar baby?

By Luna

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boomers and millennials dating

Here’s How Boomers, GenXers and Millennials Date

What generation do you belong to? Generation X, Y, Z or even baby boomer? Not sure? What about the person you’re dating? Can boomers date millennials? In this article, we’ll be describing these generations and explaining how people from each one of them tend to date.

By Luna

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arrogant sugar daddy

Sugar Daddies: The Arrogant Type

Part 2 of our series about the different types of sugar daddy is out! So what about arrogant sugar daddies? How exactly do they behave? Why do they become sugar daddies? And what do they expect from their sugar babies? After talking about the providing sugar daddy, we jump to his polar opposite, the arrogant […]

By Luna

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couple celebrating sugar daddy's day

Happy Sugar Daddy’s Day

Happy Sugar Daddy’s Day! A special day to indulge your sugar daddy! Did you know that Sugar Daddy’s Day is celebrated on June 20th? As sugar relationships are mostly about the sugar daddy gifting his sugar baby material things, this is the perfect day to retribute and make him feel special. We believe that this […]

By Luna

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