Sugar Daddies: The Romantic Type
In the final part of our series about sugar daddies, we will be talking about the romantic type. How can you recognize one when you first interact with them? Why did he become a sugar daddy? And what are his expectations?
The romantic sugar daddy

The romantic sugar daddy did not necessarily become a sugar daddy because he wanted to make a young and beautiful woman his sugar baby. First and foremost, he was and is looking for a woman who shares his tastes and hobbies. He’s looking for someone who’s completely compatible to him.
He might have been through several long-term relationships already. That’s actually an advantage: this sugar daddy knows exactly what he wants. And that is love. That feel-good relationship, in which he feels on top of the world whenever he is with you. He wants to fall in love and be happy with his partner.
In search for love

And he is not alone. There are many sugar babies out there who not only want financial support, but also long-term stability or even marriage with the expectation of being happy ever after.
The romantic sugar daddy wants the same. But he has more to lose if he falls for the wrong girl. Because many sugar babies don’t want to tie the knot or even develop feelings for their sugar daddies, but they pretend to.
So-called gold diggers know exactly how to wrap a romantic sugar daddy around their finger. And then he gets gutted like a Christmas goose. That’s why the romantic type must be smart. He can’t get too involved with somebody too fast — at least not emotionally. But he also has to be careful not to be too careful. Otherwise, he will scare away an actual potential partner. Well, love is not an easy thing.
Don’t miss the rest of our series:
The Types of Sugar Daddy series:
– The providing SD
– The arrogant SD
– The lonely SD
– The fetishist SD
– The romantic SD