Luxurious Sports: when health meet status
Successful Sugardaddies have a lot in common. They have millions in their accounts, have a job that they like to do and, above all, they do one thing regularly: sport. Exercising plays a decisive role in staying healthy.
In addition, choosing a particularly expensive sport shows status. It not only improves one’s image but also being immersed in these environments can be a great opportunity for networking.
In this article, you can find out which different luxurious sports the Sugar daddies play.
Equestrian Sports

Professional equestrian sports are divided into dressage, showjumping, and eventing. People with a middle income cannot cover the running costs for a horse. Thus riding remains one of the most luxurious sports. The jumping horse Palloubet d’Halong is the most expensive horse in the world with a value of 13.5 million
Polo also counts as a sport of the rich. Sugar daddies practice this exclusive sport and ride through the countryside in Fitch-Outift. For the Polo, the horses have to be fed and transported to the events. Usually, there are costs of more than 15.000 Euros for a trained horse. Polo players don’t just need one horse, but at least four, because the four-legged friends are changed more frequently during the game.
Formula 1
Formula 1 is certainly one of the sports that demands a high investment sum in addition to its own talent. There are Sugar daddies who are Formula 1 racers, but many of them are also sponsors who finance this racing pleasure. An average Formula 1 car costs about 1 million dollars.

Golf is a hobby for rich men who like to enjoy the fresh air in green landscapes and spend all their leisure time hitting the small white balls. Playing golf helps many to stay fit, although it may not look like. When playing golf, Sugar daddies can relax, keep their health and strengthen their muscles. If you don’t want to go to the gym occasionally, golf is a very good alternative.
Speedboat racing
Expensive speedboats simply belong to a real Sugar daddy. Such a ship turns every journey into a real adventure. The speedboats are a fascinating sporty leisure pleasure for men of money. We have reported on our blog about luxury yachts. You can find more information here.

Among the rich, it is common to play tennis. Tennis is considered to be the most beautiful sport in the world. The elegance of playing is embellished by movement aesthetics and tennis is perceived as dance and beautiful art. A possible explanation of the term “tennis” is a derivation of the German word “Tanz”, which means dance. A long time ago, tennis was still considered one of the most luxurious sports, because tennis clubs were an absolute rarity. Meanwhile, this has changed and everywhere there are numerous affordable tennis clubs.
Fitness programs and workouts
But not all Sugar daddies practice only expensive sports. A regular fitness program also makes you happy and ensures more sleep. Sport in the morning trains memory and improves concentration. Concentration is especially important for successful men, as they often have important business meetings. In addition to jogging, a regular workout is important to stay fit. Mastering everything well requires energy. When you’re fit, you get much more out of it. It’s important to stay true to your workout routines. This includes, for example, a combination of strength and cardio exercises.
Cardio training
Cardio training is an effective cardiovascular training in which the muscle groups are kept in motion by continuous movement units and endurance training.
Strength Training
During strength training, you can lose weight through regular sessions in the gym and even prevent back pain or osteoporosis.
You can choose from a wide range of equipment in the gym or for your strength training. However, it is possible to build muscles at home without any equipment.
So tell us, Sugar daddy, which luxurious sport do you like best? Which would you like to try?
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