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Bikini Photos on Your Sugar Baby Profile: YAY or NAY?

Last week, we talked about the kind of profile pictures that are an absolute must if you want to stand out as a sugar baby. Today, we will be focussing on bikini photos. Should they be included in your profile? Or do they make you seem too promiscuous and give the wrong impression?

We have asked the sugar community and this is what they told us:

bikini photos of sugar baby on yacht

Bikini photos: most sugar daddies appreciate them

Not a single sugar daddy told us that they dislike bikini photos. However, you should only upload one of yours if you feel comfortable and attractive in a bikini.

If you are still on the fence, here is some things you should consider:

The advantages:

The disadvantage:

How to get the best bikini photo for your profile

bikini photos sugar baby wearing bikini and beach accessories

Bikini photos: conclusion

Bikini photos are not a must, but certainly a plus!

PRO-TIP: You can add your bikini pics to your private album so only a selected few can see them!