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The Day I Met a Sugar Daddy in a Sauna and Found Out His Real Identity (Part 2)

In my last article, I shared how saunas went from being something extremely foreign and uncomfortable to my biggest hobby. Thanks to that day, not only did I get to experience many hours of deep relaxation, but also met a sugar daddy in real life, enjoyed the sauna with him and learned a big lesson in terms of privacy. Here’s how it happened:

Meeting a sugar daddy in a sauna

luxurious empty sauna

As it tends to be with most things in life, our first encounter was completely unexpected. There I was, enjoying the delighted gazes of strangers on my naked body. Being probably the youngest person around, I felt stunning even without any clothes or makeup on. And since bathrobes were only optional in this spa’s sauna area, I opted to leave mine in the locker.

The first time he saw me, I was cheerfully walking into the same sauna as him. I didn’t notice him. To me, he was only another guy in a white bathrobe. But, as he confessed to me later, he couldn’t get me out of his mind. ๐Ÿ˜Š

After enjoying this view (picture below) and the intense heat for about 15 minutes, I cooled off on the terrace and went to one of the lounges.

mountain view of the sauna

I had been reading a book for some time already when he politely asked me how to turn on the empty infrared lounger right next to me. Innocently, I showed it to him, not realizing he had purposely chosen that spot over dozens of free ones near me. And that’s how I met a sugar daddy in a sauna.

How I found out his real identity within minutes

Back then, I already had the idea for my blogpost on sugar dating anonymously lurking in the back of my mind, so I took a mental note of everything he said during our 30-min interaction to see if I could figure out his real identity and if he was worth pursuing.

All I had was his first name, his profession and his location. Later, when he gave me his number, he was careful enough not to reveal his last name. Fair enough, I thought. I love puzzles.

doctor I met in a sauna

It was actually extremely easy to find him online only with those pieces of information. I looked up his name + profession + location on Google. It yielded a couple guys with different surnames. Then I image searched each one of them. Bingo! That’s how I found an article about him and his website, which linked to all his personal social media accounts. ๐Ÿ˜…

Do you want to protect your real identity while sugar dating? Then follow these tips from one of our most popular blog posts.

To make him aware of his mistake, I called him by his surname the next time we met, assuring him he was safe with me. I’d never use this information against him.