Is sugar dating a good choice? (1/2)
Sugar dating is often seen by outsiders as a form of prostitution. But what is it like behind the scenes? Why does someone start sugar dating? And don’t prejudice and negative press articles deter them?
Why does someone choose sugar dating?

There are so many ways to make money. Active and passive, online and offline. However, it is not so easy to have a side-job in addition to your main occupation. Especially students and interns have difficulties with it. We easily reach our physical (and also mental) limits on a regular day already.
Betting on earning money passively is also not suitable for everyone. Because before the hoped-for flow of money, it is necessary to familiarize oneself with the matter in question. Besides, the knowledge one can get in little time about it is often rather amateurish. Moreover, preliminary investments cannot be avoided either, of course. And who can afford them if success is not guaranteed?
As a result, it can be really difficult to master the beginning of a professional career free of debt, especially without outside support. That’s why many female students are tempted to experiment with the sugar bowl. But where do you find a sugar daddy anyway?
… for romance or for finance?

In addition to face-to-face dates, online dating is of course also an option. Meanwhile, there are numerous sugar dating portals worldwide that offer to bring sugar daddies and sugar babies together. Unfortunately, however, the bad reputation of some outliers in particular precedes the serious image of others.
Beyond prejudices
Not everyone has understood what sugar dating really is all about. This includes some of those who claim to be a sugar daddy or sugar baby. This is largely due to the prevailing opinion that this kind of dating is a form of prostitution.
So there are countless articles about the subjective opinions of their authors. Some of these are also poorly researched. And even with the help of interviews they don’t always get better. Because their conclusion is sometimes that the all people involved have lost all their self-respect. In order to give strength to these statements, sometimes nonsensical references are made to things barely related to the sugar world. For example, references are made to some random novel about prostitution in which the term sugar dating probably does not even occur.

There is also a “light” variant for such an underpinning. For example, there is a very strong opinion that there are only two extremes to this kind of dating: “Pretty Woman with a Happy End” and “Trauma from Sex with a Grandpa”. That this is not all that the sugar world has to offer should be clear to everyone. Because the ways of interpreting this topic are wide ranging.
The personal experiences that journalists have had during their “field research” usually shed some light on the subject. Sugar dating is not as close to prostitution as some people would like to believe. Even the skeptics among them admit that time and again.