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Types of Sugar Daddy Arrangements

Types of Sugar Daddy Arrangements: How does it work?

There are many different types of sugar daddy arrangements. While sugar relationships come in many shapes and sizes, it is broadly accepted that all types of sugar daddy arrangements involve a sugar baby spending time with a sugar daddy for reward. It is also assumed that the sugar baby is attractive and that the sugar daddy has the means and the will to gift material items that the sugar baby values.

Types of sugar daddy arrangements can be as basic or as intricate as the couple want them to be. People are often curious about the sugar relationship, and it is always a hot topic in the media. We read about the types of sugar daddy arrangements where young attractive girls (sugar babies) receive large sums of money on a regular basis from their own benevolent millionaire (sugar daddy) for allowing themselves to be wined and dined. Many sugar babies only aspire to this kind of arrangement. Many more sugar babies find themselves in different, more modest types of sugar daddy arrangements. Some sugar babies are happier with their existing arrangement than others. These arrangements do not last forever. sugar babies are always free to quit or to look for a more suitable sugar daddy if they are not satisfied.


Types of Sugar Daddy Arrangements: The benefits for sugar babies

types of sugar daddy agreements

types of sugar daddy agreements

The big benefit of a sugar relationship is choice. Both parties may have multiple types of sugar daddy arrangements running with different people at the same time. A different arrangement may be made with each person and these arrangements are independent of each other. For example, a sugar daddy might be very generous with one sugar baby and quite stingy with another. At the same time, a sugar daddy could also have one sugar baby to take to dinner on Sundays and another to accompany him on skiing holidays. One might get a gift card, while the other could receive a world cruise.

Sugar relationships might seem like a strange concept. Some argue that these relationships have been happening for years have just become more formal. If so, then they are either silent pact or negotiated relationships.

Silent Pact va Negotiated types of Sugar Daddy Arrangements

The Silent Pact

It is very likely that you have already been involved in one or more types of sugar daddy arrangements. This could have happened without you realising it.
“What?”, I can hear you scream, “Me? Never!”

Not so fast. Think back.

The silent pact is one of the few types of sugar daddy arrangements that does not involve any contract or agreement. Although no reward is discussed, it is actually provided. This is important because this arrangement probably forms the basis for most (if not all) of the types of sugar daddy arrangements around today. It is at least as old as handkerchiefs.


Are you sure you were never a sugar daddy or a sugar baby? Did you ever…

types of sugar daddy agreements

types of sugar daddy agreements

Go to see a movie with Greg the Geek because you really wanted to see it, and going with Greg was the only way to make it happen? You might have been grounded, run out of pocket money or been short of transport. Circumstances found you spending time with a guy you were not interested in dating long term, but he was pleasant enough for you to entertain to get what you wanted.

Let me tell you a secret. Greg the Geek probably knew that you only went out with him because he provided transport and a movie ticket. Granted, you would probably have turned him down if he was really unappealing – or if seeing the movie wasn’t so important. You saw the movie, Greg spent the evening with you on his arm, or at least alongside him. Perhaps Greg had no interest in seeing that film at all. Truth be told, both of you knew what was happening and why.

After spending time with Greg, you might have got to know him better and like him more. You might even have dated him again, or even married him. Chances are, it is was what it was. You saw the movie, Greg the Geek saw you. Done deal. Congratulations. You were a sugar baby! The other types of Sugar Daddy Arrangements are negotiated and more formal.

Negotiate, Agree then Proceed

Negotiate, agree then proceed is the basic formula for sensible, formal types of sugar daddy arrangements. A third of dating couples meet online. Today’s sugar daddy is either internet savvy, or likely to be single because arrangements are normally made online. Today’s sugar baby cut her teeth on a mobile handset or tablet. The majority of sugar introductions happen through an online site or club. Different sites have different rules. All of them provide the opportunity for people to meet and interact. After browsing through profiles and choosing someone who looks like a good match, it’s time to test the water. If a mutual interest is sparked, then it’s time to negotiate.

This is where individual ground rules, expectations and rewards may be discussed. Honest and open communication is vital when deciding the types of sugar daddy arrangements that that are acceptable. Some people prefer to meet casually first before finalising the types of sugar daddy arrangements they will accept. Other find it easier to reach agreement on the terms upfront. There are pros and cons to both. When it comes to rewards, many people find it hard to discuss money or terms. Others prefer to make sure that the sugar daddy has enough money to fund the desired types of sugar daddy arrangements up front. This in mostly to avoid wasting time.

A Successful Sugar Daddy Agreement

Most types of sugar daddy arrangements are made by this method. However, within this framework, there is plenty of scope and the types of sugar daddy arrangements that can be agreed are almost limitless. Sugar couples can have a lot of fun deciding terms and details. Often, they are quite comfortable communicating with each other by the time they reach this stage. Unless the parties are brand new to sugar arrangements, each one will already have an idea of what types of sugar daddy arrangements they are prepared to accept.


Other Types of Sugar Daddy Arrangements

Gift Me

This is popular with newbies trying the scene for the first time. Gift Me arrangements are basic, uncomplicated agreements. They are a good choice for sporadic dating, people looking for fun or novelty or to add spice to daily life. Gift Me arrangements are less suitable for career sugar babies because they are normally one-off. These can be negotiated before follow-up dates, but other types of sugar daddy arrangements would be more efficient for regular arrangements.

Gift Me requires a simple agreement. The sugar baby will accompany the sugar daddy to a specific place for a specific activity and will receive a specified gift in return.

Card Me

Card Me is the same as the gift me arrangement. The sugar baby receives a gift card to an agreed value which she can then use to pick out her own gift

Home Me

A wealthy sugar daddy might buy his sugar a home and transfer the deeds into her name. This would be a sugar baby dream come true, but is risky for the sugar daddy because it is a huge upfront spend. That said, any arrangement is fair as long as both parties agree. It is more common for the sugar daddy to home his sugar baby by paying or contributing towards her rent and bills. This is risky if the sugar baby depends solely on this income, but might free up some of her cash while the arrangement lasts.

Educate Me

Sugar babies are normally young adults. Many are studying and struggling to pay their living costs and tuition fees. Educate me is one of the types of sugar daddy arrangements that could work best for sugar relationships that last for a period of time.

The sugar daddy might agree to pay tuition upfront for a year, but this is unlikely. This agreement typically involves the sugar daddy making regular monthly payments aimed at supporting education. Monthly meetups are the best fit for this setup.

As sugar relationships can end at any time, sensible sugar babies who rely on this income to cover regular payments normally have multiple relationships at the same time. This spreads the risk because it is less likely that multiple arrangements will end simultaneously. Some sugar babies who negotiate and agree to to this type of arrangement have other income sources too. They might have a part time job or help other students for reward.

Move Me

Move me arrangements are the sort where the sugar daddy provides transport. This could be anything from gifting a car, travel card or air tickets to holiday destinations. The holidays are often part of a package that includes spending time in a hotel and going on activities with the sugar daddy, but could involve the sugar daddy buying travel tickets for the sugar baby to use as she pleases.

Cash Out

Cash out is popular with people who want to avoid a paper trail. It is discreet, safe and solves any problems around the sharing of personal details. The sugar baby receives an amount of cash for spending an amount of time with her sugar daddy. Some couples find creative ways for exchanging the cash. It could be left at a hotel reception or placed in a new purse and boxed or wrapped. Other use the exchange of cash as part of a game or role play.

Entertain Me

The sugar baby is taken to a show or event that she could not otherwise afford to attend. This is obviously best suited to sugar couples who really enjoy each other’s company. Typically, the sugar baby would receive an additional reward. Entertain me could be part of a reward package that includes a gift or cash.

Another option is for the sugar daddy to provide a packaged outing or experience for the sugar baby to enjoy herself or with her friends or family members.

Allow me

Allowances are popular with sugar babies because they are a set, monthly amount. They are less popular with the sugar daddy because he is effectively paying upfront and assuming that the arrangement will continue for the new month. The sugar baby could take the money and run. Either party might choose to terminate the arrangement and there is little chance that any amount will be refunded. Allow me is probably the most sought after arrangement for sugar babies. It can work well for both parties, but is seldom agreed at the start of a relationship. Other types of sugar daddy arrangements may evolve to the point where allow me can be negotiated and agreed further down the line.


An arrangement should be mutually beneficial

types of sugar daddy agreements

types of sugar daddy agreements

The types of sugar daddy arrangements that work best are the ones that best fit the needs of both parties. There is no rule book. Any arrangement that can be negotiated and agreed between the parties is the best for that couple.

Within the framework of honesty and mutual respect, consenting adults are free to create their own lives. The sugar relationship life can be part of a happy, balanced life for some people.

Other types of sugar daddy arrangements include gifts and rewards like shoes. Many women love shoes but cannot afford to buy high end designer brands. The sugar daddy might shop with the sugar baby and help to choose the shoes. Sometimes, a gift card for a specified shoe store is more practical.

Special perks for sugar babies

Personal trainer. Successful sugar babies take care of themselves and focus on looking good. A personal trainer can be expensive, but highly effective. A happy sugar daddy needs a pampered sugar baby and this kind of reward might be easy to ask for.

Fragrance. This is popular and easy to ask for because the sugar daddy loves a well presented sugar baby. High-end fragrance is costly and coveted. The sugar baby might not be able to afford luxuries herself. Fragrance is the sort of gift that a sugar daddy can present with confidence.