The online dating landscape has really changed over the years with various websites popping up and helping sugar daddies to get sugar babies. Presently, there are many arrangements between sugar daddies and sugar babies. While some men do not have a problem getting and maintaining a sugar baby, some are not so good at it and therefore, need a sugar baby guide.
Sugar Baby Guide
Sugar Baby Guide

Sugar Baby Guide on Expectations in the Relationship
Once you meet and decide that you like a particular woman, you can proceed to the next step in the sugar baby guide is to research on some of the expectations a sugar baby may have. In most cases, a sugar baby will want financial benefits. A discussion between the two parties will reveal how much she expects. She might also want to travel, shopping in and out of the country, evening outings or mere companionship and so on.
Allowances on First Night
Most ladies do not expect an allowance on the first night and that is a tip in the sugar baby guide all sugar daddies should know. The first meeting is reserved for getting to know each other and discover the expectations of the two parties in the arrangement. This is usually at a casual restaurant. The familiarization meeting is used to gauge whether you are compatible and enjoy each other’s company. A few sugar daddies may, however, offer simple token of appreciation for the time spent with the sugar baby.
Build Trust
Just as with other dating websites, you have to keep in mind that you are dealing with a stranger brought together by the internet. Another tip in the sugar baby guide is to tread with caution upon first meeting. The good news is that most of the dating websites verify the identity of the people who pots their profiles on their website.
Sugar Baby Guide on How to Communicate
Both parties should have a candid conversation about the kind of relationship they want. You should insist on honesty when you meet the sugar baby for the first time. Her honesty will let you know if you can live up to her expectations or not.
Determine your Value
Most sugar babies ask how much you are willing to be giving them in the arrangement. This is legitimate question and you should be willing to sit down, evaluate yourself and the out on amount that you are willing to give out on a regular basis.
Determine your Value
Most sugar babies ask how much you are willing to be giving them in the arrangement. This is legitimate question and you should be willing to sit down, evaluate yourself and the out on amount that you are willing to give out on a regular basis.

Sugar Baby Guide on How to Give the Money
According to the Sugar baby guide, it is also good to know how they would like to get their money as well. Some prefer cash or to have pre-paid credit cards. Others would prefer that you pay their monthly bills straight away. Let them give you their options firsthand to know if you are willing to work with them. The frequency of receiving the money matters as well. Some would like their allowance on a weekly basis while others would prefer to have theirs on a monthly basis. If you stick to the sugar baby guide you will not make any fundamental mistakes that might cost you your relationship before it starts.