sugar daddy synonyme
sugar daddy synonyme – Different Sugar Daddy Synonyms
Sugar daddy is a name that most ladies use to refer to the men who have money to spend with them without feeling a pinch. Mostly, these men are elderly or above 50 years of age. Age being just a number, the ladies refer to them as sugar daddy to make them feel comfortable when around them. Also, a lady may opt to use a sugar daddy synonyme to make him feel better and appreciated. The word sponsor is a sugar daddy synonyme that means more of a helper. This refers to the sugar daddy being there to pay for any financial needs that may arise during the sugar daddy relationship.
Guardian angel is a sugar daddy synonyme that most ladies like to use to show that the sugar daddy is heaven sent. At times, ladies get engaged to sugar daddies when at a point of giving up. However, at the epitome of their problems, a sugar daddy shows up and agrees to assist in any way possible. Most ladies like to use this sugar daddy synonym to refer to the sugar daddies as angels sent from above as an answer to their constant prayers requesting for a helper.

sugar daddy synonyme
Other than this, there are more synonyms such as the donor, which is a sugar daddy synonyme with close meaning to the word sponsor. This word, however, is a bit confusing as being a donor means giving whatever you have without expecting anything in return. On the contrary, a sugar daddy expects sexual favours. Although most ladies use the word donor as a sugar daddy synonyme, it sounds more of a close friend with pure intentions and should not be used as a sugar daddy synonyme.
According to the situation one was before the sugar daddy came in, one can refer to sugar daddy as a saviour. This means that the sugar daddy saved her from the deplorable conditions she was in and has enabled her to acquire things that she could only dream of in the normal life. The word saviour, which is a sugar daddy synonyme mostly used in Europe, shows that the sugar daddy deserves all the respect and all the services he may need anytime. Most ladies feel that they owe their allegiance to the sugar daddies for saving them from the horrible conditions they were before meeting the sugar daddy.
There are other several sugar daddy synonyms all with relevance to how a particular region refers to the sugar daddy. The contributor is also a sugar daddy synonyme meaning that the lady can afford the needs but requires a little support to make it through the life financial challenges. Without the sugar daddy’s presence, the lady can still survive, but when a sugar daddy is there, her life becomes simple and fun.