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Sugar Daddy second date

Sugar daddy second date tips


Finding a sugar daddy is one thing, but getting a sugar daddy second date is a whole different situation. Sometimes, no matter how well you think the first date has gone, it just doesn’t progress to a second. Also, sometimes there just isn’t that click or spark, so the decision not to have a sugar daddy second date is totally yours. But what if you do meet a sugar daddy that impresses you? You need to pull out all of the stops to get a second date and make him want to see you again. So what tips and tricks can you use to get a sugar daddy second date?

Get a sugar daddy second date; Be confident


sugar daddy second date

sugar daddy second date

There is nothing more attractive than someone who has confidence. Remember, if you are trying to get a sugar daddy second date you need to appear confident and slightly unobtainable. Sugar daddies will find it attractive if you do not appear to need to rely on them. Try and be confident and a bit mysterious. The more you give away on the first date, the less they are going to want to see you again to find out more. Be elusive without being rude, and keep your sugar daddy talking about himself so that he does not realise until after he has not given anything away.

Get a sugar daddy second date; Hint

While you are on the first date, it can be hard to get a sugar daddy second date by being overly pushy, but that does not mean you can’t hint at wanting to see the sugar daddy again. If he does not directly ask you, just drop subtle hints like ‘maybe next time we could try…’. This is also a great way for you to gauge if he is as interested in you as you are of him. If he seems keen, you know you will be getting a sugar daddy second date, but if he seems non-committal it may be worth exploring other options.

It is the 21st century, so if you want that sugar daddy second date, ask for it. You do not need to sit around waiting for your phone to ring and wondering if your sugar daddy wants to take you on a second date. If he seems keen and you think there may be potential for a second date, call him right up and ask him. The worst he can do is say no, and then at least you will know where you stand. The best outcome is that he will say yes, and you will get the sugar daddy second date you have been hoping for.