sugar daddy humor
Sugar Daddy Humor – Why You Will Enjoy It
If you want a taste of the sweet life then getting yourself a sugar daddy is absolutely the right way to go. It is said that men tend to mature or ‘grow up’ slower than women, therefore women prefer to have a sugar daddy humor. One who is at the same maturity as them, sports a salt-n-pepper look, can afford a trip to St. Barts and spoil her silly! Also, since older men tend to be more mature therefore the sugar daddy humor would also be enjoyable and not off-putting, unlike the humor of younger guys, which tends to be bland and crude.
Sugar Daddy humor – Add Spice to Your Life
Cougars prefer younger men in order for them to feel energetic and young once again. After all, younger men inject the vitality back into the lives of these older women. However, in case of young girls in their twenties or even early thirties, an older guy who is financially stable is definitely a better choice. Besides, young men tend to hide their relationships but older men show off their younger partners openly in public with pride. Moreover, sugar daddies can afford all the luxuries in life and spoil his sugar babe, no wonder women turn to sugar daddies when they want to add spice to their lives!

Financial stability and sugar daddy humor are two of the primary factors younger women fall for older guys aka sugar daddies
Sugar Daddy Humor and Respect
One thing that is common between sugar daddies is that they show a high level of respect towards women because they are mature and knowledgeable. This is also reflected in their sugar daddy humor. Statistics show that sugar relationships often tend to run into long term ones because of the mature mindset of the sugar daddy. After all, the primary reason why older men assume the role of sugar daddy and get themselves into sugar relationships is because they want to protect their younger partners and offer them their full support, sexually and otherwise.
Financial stability and sugar daddy humor are two of the primary factors younger women fall for older guys aka sugar daddies. While it may not sound very sexy to date someone for financial security but when the gas company retracts their heating service in the dead of winter and you’ve been surviving on nothing but ramen noodles for weeks, washboard abs of a young guy would be the last thing on your mind!
Apart from sugar daddy humor, older men tend to have more wisdom. After all, he has been on the planet longer than you therefore you can teach you a lot of things and conversations will always be stimulating and even productive! What’s more, sugar daddies would also tend to have more devotion towards their partners because they have waited so long to feel genuine love and once they manage to snag a PYT (Pretty Young Thing), they wouldn’t hold back on showing their feelings and of course their impressive sense of sugar daddy humor.