sugar daddy funny Episodes
Sugar Daddy Funny Episodes and how to cherish them
There are many sugar daddy funny episodes that happen everyday where the sugar daddies themselves do not even realise anything has happened. An example of a sugar daddy funny episode is where the sugar daddy’s wig gets blown halfway off of his head whilst on a boat in Twickenham. It was a wine tasting event where many dignitaries were in attendance and everyone’s reaction was hilarious. Trying not to laugh people were choking through their noses as they watched his fake dark brown wig flapping in the wind while he was totally oblivious. This sugar daddy funny scene ended when a glass door in front of him was suddenly closed and revealed his reflection. His response was priceless. He turned his head to an angle where the wind naturally placed the wig back in position and then quickly pressed it onto his head with his hand while nobody (but everybody) was looking.

Sugar daddy hair dying disasters are always a fast track way to gaurantee a sugar daddy funny moment
Sugar Daddy Funny Scenes
The classic sugar daddy funny scene is a 64 year old sugar daddy in a convertible Mustang pulling up outside a prestigious banquet. Talk about getting it wrong! Roof up it is night time and freezing cold at that. There are so many ways to get sugar daddy swag wrong and end up in a sugar daddy funny moment. For example, how does one have jet black hair when one’s eyebrows are grey and moustache a combination of grey and brown. Sugar daddy hair dying disasters are always a fast track way to gaurantee a sugar daddy funny moment.
More Sugar Daddy Funny Stories
A tragic sugar daddy funny story was the tale of a sugar daddy so desperate to impress his sugar babe that he researched the artists on his sugar baby’s ipod and attempted to dress like them on their next special date at a posh London restaurant. Sugar daddy rocked up in sagging jeans, Jordans, Tattoos and a baseball cap. It’s ‘Lil Sugar Daddy’. Sugar Babies, it is worth avoiding these embarrasing sugar daddy funny moments by briefing your guy well in advance of such tragedies. Let your sugar daddy know that you like him the way he is and that you appreciate his more mature style and behaviour. Otherwise, you could end up looking silly and stuck right in the middle of another sugar daddy funny episode.