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sugar daddy fanfiction

Super Sugar Daddy Fanfiction site


Sugar daddy fanfiction. What an absolutely incredibly fabulous idea. I mean – it’s truly brilliant. I picture at least two revenue streams. Probably more.

First off, sugar daddy fanfiction in a comic book format with stylised illustrations in the vein of Pop Art. All bold colours, sweeping hair styles and quivering pouty lips, tears ready to fall at any moment from wide, doe-like eyes (and that’s just the men). Self-styled Daddy Warbucks characters would be around every corner, ready to introduce the naive, but rather pointy-breasted, heroine to their glittering world of skyscrapers and fast cars. This could then spin-off into a TV series. A unique combination of Mad Men meets Heroes. This would ultimately spawn a stable of blockbuster films, morphing the super sugar daddy fanfiction into suave superhero fantasies, X-Men meets Bond.

sugar daddy fanfiction could easily slip into a more erotic style, rather like the Black Lace books.

First off, sugar daddy fanfiction in a comic book format

Erotic Sugar Daddy Fanfiction.


The other revenue stream would be sugar daddy fanfiction in the form of Mills and Boon style romances. It would feature stories about the hard-bitten mogul, locked in an ivory tower of his own making, misunderstood by everyone until his shy secretary manages to break through his rough exterior to the marshmallow within. They then live happily ever after, in a world of private yachts, designer shoes and beautiful holidays on sun-drenched shores.

The Mills and Boon style sugar daddy fanfiction could easily slip into a more erotic style, rather like the Black Lace books. A touch of raunch adding a frisson to the reader’s life. 50 Shades of sugar daddy fanfiction anyone? I feel there’s a lot of scope for the imagination here. Does Cartier design handcuffs? I bet they do. Diamond encrusted ones lined with mink. Tiffany’s probably has a special back-room that you need a safe word to enter.

Vampire Sugar Daddy Fanfiction.

From here it’s a natural step to expand the sugar daddy fanfiction into the much loved, Vampire genre. Vampires by their very nature are sugar daddies. Any vampire worth his salt will have amassed a fortune over his years walking the earth as the undead. Combine that with their natural sex appeal and Wham! The stuff that sugar daddy fanfiction is made of. Twilight will have nothing on this.

This kind of fanfiction is a truly fabulous idea. The revenue streams and spin-offs are almost endless and can be tailored to fit any taste. This idea is going to take the world by storm and turn the film and TV industry on its head. The only limits are going to be the imagination. Sugar daddy fanfiction is a genre which is set to run and run and run. All the way to the bank and the award ceremonies. I can’t wait.