sugar baby pictures
Sugar baby pictures- the main differences
Sugar baby pictures are an important part of being a sugar baby. Whether you are setting an online profile to help look for a sugar daddy, or you are already in a relationship with a sugar daddy, at some point you are going to have to have some sugar baby pictures for him to see. Here are some tips on how to do it right.
Sugar baby pictures for an online profile

sugar baby pictures
Some girls like their sugar baby pictures to be taken by a professional so that they can look as gorgeous as possible on their profile page. While it is understandable that you would want to look your best to catch the attention of a sugar daddy, beware of starting off your sugar baby experience relying on a professional. When you meet that sugar daddy, part of the arrangement might be that he wants you to send him lots of sugar baby pictures when you aren’t together. To prepare for this, it is important that you learn how to master taking good sugar baby pictures yourself. You might put one professional photo on your online profile but also include some sexy selfies and learn to be confident in taking photos of yourself.
Taking sugar baby pictures in a relationship
If he wants you to send lots of sugar baby pictures, then make sure you know what kind of pictures he wants. Some sugar daddies might enjoy seeing you doing everyday things but others may appreciate you spending time dressing up in something special. Find out what really makes them happy. He may always compliment your beautiful eyes and so you could spoil him with sending him sugar baby pictures of what you know he wants to see. There is a lot of fun in sending teasing sugar baby pictures if you are both in a playful mood. He may request a particular picture and you could send a few pictures that slowly reveal what he asked for – before sending that final picture that gives him just what he wants!
Remember the importance of discretion! He may be at work or with his family when he is not with you. It is important to make sure that either he is happy for you to send pictures anytime or that you send pictures at the times that he says it is ok. If you send a picture at a time when it would be harmful to his career or other personal relationships, that could quickly end your relationship.