Mike G sugar daddy
Mike G Sugar Daddy – The Indie Folk Singer
Mike G Sugar Daddy was a studio album that was released back in 2000. This album is a mixture of warm indie infused folk melodies that won Mike G a strong fan base. Recorded in New York City by See Thru Broadcasting, the record is still relatively unmown today outside of the music industry, but a whole new influx of fans are being created as the album becomes known once more.
It is very difficult to get a feeling of the type of music that this record will produce, from just looking at the cover of Mike G Sugar Daddy. The cover of the Mike G Sugar Daddy classic album, simply depicts a line drawing of a man wearing shades, looking out towards the observer. The printed words, ‘Sugar Daddy’, give a 70s feel to the cover. Both of these aspects make it difficult to know if it is a retro album or a modern sounding classic. One thing is for sure though, and that is that the album looks like a lot of fun.

The real beauty of Mike G Sugar Daddy album is that every song is truly unique
Mike G Sugar Daddy – every song is unique
The real beauty of Mike G Sugar Daddy album is that every song is truly unique. There are a total of 16 songs, that feature experimental melodies, folk songs and laid back indie mixes. It really is a mixed bag. What is most interesting is that Mike G is very much a lyrical poet, and that when he sings you really need to listen to his words. Every song has its own story to tell.
Mike G Sugar Daddy – Clothing Store Girl
This is one of the most popular songs on the Mike G Sugar Daddy album, and is the opening song. This really is an upbeat poem that is sung against a laid back jazz beat. It is funky, relaxing and fun. This is a simple song that uses a mellow jazz guitar that will help you to unwind after a busy day. It’s also a great song to have in the background while you prepare supper.
The most popular single on the Mike G Sugar Daddy album, has to be that of the album’s title,’Sugar Daddy’. This is a funky and upbeat pop enthused single that will have you dancing the night away. With a harmonised melody and catchy tune, you will be singing this song all day!
The Mike G Sugar Daddy album really is a rare treat that everyone must listed to!