Meaning of Sugar Baby
The Dictionary Meaning of Sugar Baby
The dictionary meaning of sugar baby is probably different to what an actual sugar baby is but we thought we would note it in case sugar baby is a new term to you. Basically the official meaning of a sugar baby is a young figure who looks for companionship in elder and richer figures. A sugar baby is given an allowance to be a companion to that older and richer figure. Although this statement is true we find this definition to be quite clinical.
The Sugar Babies Meaning of Sugar Baby

meaning of sugar baby
The sugar babies meaning of sugar baby is taken from a whole different point of view. When we asked sugar babies what they thought the meaning of sugar baby was, we got a lot of varied answers. One sugar baby said, a sugar baby is someone who is young, pretty and who can satisfy a man of any age. Another sugar baby said that the meaning of a sugar baby is a beautiful woman who has a rich boyfriend who is at least ten years older than her. One sugar baby even said that a sugar baby is someone who like to shop a lot, go on holidays and take money of their sugar daddy who meets up with them from time to time….
The Sugar Daddies Meaning of Sugar Baby
The sugar daddies meaning of sugar baby is also different than what is in the dictionary and what other people think and very different to that of what sugar babies think. One sugar daddy said a sugar baby is a young, beautiful, slim woman who is looking for fun and companionship while being given money. Another sugar daddy said he felt that a sugar baby was similar to that of a prostitute, you pay a woman for certain companionship.
We asked some people from the general public about the meaning of sugar baby is and we got some strange, funny and simple answers which we just can’t help but share with you. We took out our pad and pen and went in search of what the public thought about sugar babies. One older woman around the word, low class prostitute and another woman around the same age said ‘Isn’t a sugar baby a young girl who is interested in other girls?’ We found that a lot of people didn’t actually know the meaning and classed it as wrong or not normal. This is why we are here, to educate people on something which is seen in everyday life and culture and something that is more than normal…