What is a traditional sugar daddy arrangement in todays society?
In todays society the question of what is a traditional sugar daddy arrangement tends to differ a little. If referencing the relationship between men and women this will still be regarded as traditional. However today a sugar daddy arrangement can also be between two men or even two women. The tradition will be withheld with one party being the older wealthy individual, and the other young and attractive. Todays society means that those who question what is a traditional sugar daddy arrangement can find more than one answer. Sugar daddy arrangements are changing all over the world. Still the fundamental fact is that the main tradition is around the evolvement on money. Often there is also a difference in age between both partners.
What is a traditional sugar daddy arrangement around the globe?
In the 21st Century you can find a sugar daddy on almost every part of the globe. Therefore when you ask what is a traditional sugar daddy arrangement in different parts of the world, it will remain the same no matter where you are.
To become a sugar daddy you need to be wealthy. You should also have a status in your own right. Ideally you should be single and of a particular age, normally above 50. Since sugar daddies are growing with popularity, there is now a never ending stream of young attractive women all wanting to be apart this exclusive club.