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Sugar Date Conversion – Sugar Dating facts

Sugar Date Conversion Guidelines

Sugar date conversion is the one thing which people aren’t sure about when they begin sugar dating. This sugar date conversion guide will help you decide what to say and when to say it.

Sugar Date Conversion – Women – What To say

What you say on your date could make or break your relationship. This is why sugar date conversion is so important. Women tend to ask more questions but also like to talk a lot about themselves. Don’t go talking about previous relationships because this could really put your sugar daddy off.

Try to talk about interesting things to get the conversation going. Ask about your sugar daddy’s job, family and make it seem like your interested. Don’t go on about money or wanting to live the lavish lifestyle. All of this will come with time. Ask about hobbies and favorite places to eat and visit.

Sugar Date Conversion

Sugar Date Conversion

Sugar Date Conversion – Women – What Not To Say

As a woman picking the right sugar date conversion is important. What you say could change the mind of the date sitting across from you. Don’t come across as over confident and the most beautiful woman in the world. Try to be as humble as possible. Don’t be over grateful though. Praise your date on how handsome he looks, ask where he shops, what he does and what he likes. Don’t ask about other dates or relationships, especially not on the first date.

Sugar Date Conversion – Men – What to Say

Men are generally good at getting the conversation right on dates. Always give compliments and make your girl feel special. Tell her she looks beautiful and compliment her choice of clothes. Ask her about her hobbies, what she does in her free time and make it seem as if you are really interested even if you aren’t.

Ask about places she has been too, holidays and find out more about her with interrogating her.

Sugar Date Conversion – Men – What Not to Say

Whatever you do don’t go on too much about yourself. Your date doesn’t want to be bored with the in’s and out’s of your business meetings and work problems. Just be vague without talking about it too much. Try not to mention ex-wives, girlfriends and previous relationships. If she asks you something, give her the answer she is looking for. Don’t be over confident and don’t make yourself out to be the best man in the world, however famous or rich you are.

Talk about your hobbies, the countries you have visited and maybe tell a few funny childhood stories, we all have them. Make her laugh but don’t let her think you aren’t serious. Have fun and be yourself!