sugar daddy verified income
sugar daddy verified income – What if a sugar daddy doesn’t deliver the goods?
Why is a sugar daddy verified income important?
A sugar daddy verified income is the very basis upon which a relationship of this type lives and thrives. After all, a sugar daddy verified income means that, not only is the man able to provie as per his role, but the female in the relatioship can be sure she’s investing her time someone who can tend to her needs. Simply put, a sugar daddy verified income means that there is actually a sugar daddy rather than someone simply playing the part of one.
How can someone see a sugar daddy verified income?
Let’s not kid ourselves. If a man plays the part of a sugar daddy, it’s kind of hard to fake it. If he owns a nice car and wears expensive clothes, he probably has some money in his wallet. And if he’s forthcoming with presents, gifts and days away, then the chances are that he is happy to keep spending. It’s not possible to ask him for a copy of his credit report now, is it! Any such similar stipulation is bound to just sour the atmosphere and send him packing…most likely off to another more grateful recipient of his affections. But a sugar daddy relationship is one that does not have any pretence around it; the man is happy to spend money, the lady is happy and grateful to have it spent on her, and that’s the crux of it. Therefore, it’s not unreasonable to ask a few gentle, neutral questions to establish his level of income, and to ask if he’s got any other commitments (including anyone else he’s playing sugar daddy to!) to see if the relationship is going to work. A sugar daddy verified income is what makes a sugar daddy just that, and it’s important to see if he can deliver the goods.

sugar daddy verified income
What if I can’t establish a sugar daddy verified income?
There’s no hard and fast rule. A sugar daddy verified income is the sole reason many women seek out an older man. However, for others, companionship and a mutual enjoyment of each other’s company may be more important. But if that’s the case, then it’s not really a sugar daddy arrangement. For anyone who finds out their beloved older man is not delivering the goods, either as a persoon or a benefactor, then it may be worth having a conversation with him to see what both parties want from the arrangement. This might see the gifts and splurging pick up rather speedily, or it may send him running for the hills. In any case, having a sugar daddy should be an enjoyable experience.