What is the ideal sugar daddy recipe? If you’re hankering for the cocktail, then it’s equal amounts of butterscotch schnapps, Bailey’s Irish cream, Kahlua coffee liqueur and cream, shaken over ice and strained into a chilled, stemmed glass. Yum, yum! However, if you’re trying to figure out what ingredients, if you will, make the perfect sugar daddy, then that’s certainly a more complex one. If only it were as simple as the “snips and snails and puppy dogs’ tails” that little boys are made of or the “sugar and spice and all things nice” that little girls are made of, according to the popular early 19th century nursery rhyme!
Sugar Daddy Recipe
Sugar Daddy Recipe – can you resist?
Sugar Daddy Recipe: Physical Appearance
Sugar Daddy Recipe: Financial Means

sugar daddy recipe
Let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we? The whole point of searching for a sugar daddy is that you want someone who’ll be able to provide you with those “lifestyle perks” you can’t provide for yourself, whether those perks are in the form of some extra cash for rent or tuition, some fun money, a credit card or the lease on a posh little roadster. While most of us would like nothing better than to find a sugar daddy with the net worth of a Richard Branson or a Bill Gates, these money tycoons aren’t as readily available as we’d like. However, there are plenty of other well-to-do and very eligible sugar daddies out there. They are willing to part with some of their money in exchange for a relationship with the right sugar baby. Culling through the potential candidates in order to find one who has the financial means is important and you’re short-changing yourself if you think otherwise. Financial means is a very important ingredient in the sugar daddy recipe and anyone who tells you otherwise isn’t being honest with you or themselves.