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Sugar Daddy 4 Me

Sugar Daddy 4 Me – how about a nice sugafr daddy to go?



I have been part of the sugar daddy scene for a couple of years now and love the doors it has opened for me. I have had so many opportunities and experiences that I could only dream about before and the price has been very small. To celebrate my love of this way of life I have decided to get a sugar daddy 4 me tattoo.

Choosing where to put my sugar daddy 4 me tattoo is a tricky one. I don’t want it to look tacky so before getting the tattoo I really need to decide where to position it. My choices are somewhere public, where lots of people can see it. Maybe on my arm or the back of my neck? Or somewhere more private where only a few people will see it during our more intimate moments. At the moment I am veering towards the more intimate positioning for the sugar daddy 4 me tatt. I think it’s probably the classier choice. Plus, my sweet man will think it’s a private homage to him which will earn me loads of brownie points!

Sugar daddy 4 me

Sugar daddy 4 me

The Design of Sugar Daddy 4 Me Tattoo?


For the design of my sugar daddy 4 me tattoo I want something very stylish and very classy. I can not get my head around people who get a cartoon character blazoned across their body. Who on earth wants Daffy Duck or Mickey Mouse on their ankle or across their pecs? No. I want something feminine, sexy and beautiful; I think based on a traditional heart tattoo. A heart makes sense for a sugar daddy 4 me design. And it’s romantic, and I love romance. I really love romance.

The Colour Choice for the Sugar Daddy 4 Me Tattoo?


I think I’m going to go for a red heart with blue writing. I do feel undecided as I’ve seen some gorgeous black and white designs, and also some lovely henna style ones. I am torn, so watch this space for updates. I might just change my mind!

I’m looking forward to getting my sugar daddy 4 me tattoo, but I do want it to be perfect. I want the perfect design in the perfect colours in the perfect place. I don’t want to be embarrassed about it in a few years time. This lifestyle has been a perfect choice for me and I want my tattoo choice to reflect that. So I am going to take my time to think about it and search for the best design possible. It’s how I approach other areas of my life, always looking for the best, and a tattoo is no exception.