Sugar Baby Interview – A Sugar Baby’s point of view
Sugar Baby Interview – prepare for it
So, you have decided to enter into a sugar daddy relationship and you have been asked to attend an interview to discuss a potential sugar daddy relationship agreement with an older, rich gentleman. You should be feeling proud that you have already got this far, but now the real work begins. The sugar baby interview will make or break you having a sugar daddy relationship with the gentleman that has asked you. You need to make sure that you impress! In this short guide we will help you to prepare and get the most out of your sugar baby interview.

Sugar Baby Interview
Dress to impress for your sugar baby interview
This is important, as many sugar daddy’s will judge you on what you wear. Get your best frock out and dress for the occasion. Think carefully about what you think your sugar daddy will want to see you in. Wear heels, show off your best assets. This will go down a treat at your sugar baby interview. It is also worth taking yourself off to have a new haircut and take care with your makeup. All these things add to the overall effect of your attention to detail and this is exactly what most sugar daddy’s are looking for – a well presented, glamorous lady who will look stunning on their arm. Getting ready and your choice of outfit for the interview is going to be as important a stage as the interview is going to be itself. Get this right and you will do well in the interview with your potential sugar daddy.
Going for your sugar baby interview
Now your ready, its time to make your way to your sugar baby interview. Make sure that when you do meet your potential sugar daddy you greet him appropriately and speak honestly. The interview is a two way process, it is about you both being happy to enter into a sugar agreement with each other. During the interview you need to carefully discuss what each others expectations are from the relationship and from each other. You of course need to talk about how you are going to be rewarded for your time and company. it is a very good idea to talk about ground rules at your sugar baby interview, so both of you understand what the limitations are of the agreement that you are entering in to.
A sugar daddy interview seems like a daunting prospect, but it really doesn’t need to be. Providing that you thing carefully about dressing appropriately and attend with the right attitude and realistic expectations it may turn out to be a very positive experience for you.