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Sugar baby diary

sugar baby diary – My first outing as a Sugar Baby!

I was slightly apprehensive to be a sugar baby, it sounded great in theory but I often wondered what it would be like and whether it would meet my expectations. I decided to document my experience in my sugar baby diary. A sugar baby diary is a great way to express to the public what a wonderful experience this can be and how it can really make life exciting again. A sugar baby diary allows other sugar babies to write about their encounters and how this benefited them but more importantly a sugar baby diary gives us the opportunity to allow the message to spread so more sugar daddys become available!

sugar baby diary

Sugar baby diary on a website

I created an account at and then waited patiently, two days later I got a request from a man to meet up. I looked through his profile and was immediately impressed, a successful self starter that had grown his empire to be worth several million dollars. More importantly than that, he exuded class, even as I write this in my sugar baby diary I reminisce about the way he picked me up in his pristine sports car, i felt a bit nervous but he was just so welcoming which quickly calmed me down. You could tell he was a high status individual from the way he walked and his confident demeanor.


Sugar baby diary – the special men

We took a walk around the pier and looked out at the sea, I felt so happy to meet such a powerful man, he told me about his life and the challenges he had faced growing up, I talked about mine and found we had so many things in common such as we both loved to write, another reason that I decided to start a sugar baby diary. We then hopped back into his sports car and he drove me around town for a while, I felt so special being alongside a man of this stature.

sugar baby diaryHe pulled up outside a fine Italian restaurant, the best in town, everyone was staring at us because of his car. We sat down, ordered a delightful bottle of Carmenere grand reserve and chatted about the finer things in life. He was so mysterious and handsome. As we looked out onto the sunset, he smiled and told me I had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. We had a wonderful dinner and conversation, afterwards we left to…well you can’t disclose everything in a sugar baby diary right?!

If you would like to write a sugar baby diary and become part of this elite group of privileged young women then click here: