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Sugar Baby 101

Check out our sugar baby 101 guide on how to become a sugar baby. If you are just stepping into the sugar world then you need to understand that a relationship between a sugar baby and a sugar daddy is totally different than that of a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. You are both looking for something in return of giving something and there will be certain arrangements to the relationship. A lot of sugar daddies are married and are looking for young companionship so be prepared to handle this situation.

Sugar Baby 101 Guide – Walking and Talking Like a Sugar Baby

Read some of the sections we have wrote on our sugar baby 101 guide about how to walk and talk like a sugar baby. If you want to be a classy sugar baby then walking and talking needs to be done like a pro. No drunk stumbling after a glass of wine, no swearing and well try to talk as if you have spent ten years going to university. Men like smart women whether you are a sugar baby or not so polish off your I’s and T’s and things will go smoothly.

sugar baby 101

Sugar Baby 101 Guide – How to Dress

We also thought it is good to drop in our sugar baby 101 guide on how to dress. Dressing the part of a sugar baby isn’t about mini skirts and leather leggings but instead it is about being feminine, sexy and subtle at the same time. Make sure you leave enough to the imagination and don’t dress like a teenager would because this can put many men off. Keep the sports wear for home and throw out the trainers because men like painted toenails and high heels.


Sugar Baby 101 Guide – How to be a Sugar Baby
Last but not least in our sugar baby 101 guide we tell you how to be the best sugar baby you can be.
The most important thing is to be yourself, don’t act spoilt and always act grateful when you receive something from your sugar daddy. Sugar daddies like humble women and it is mostly about being able to offer your sugar daddy a bit of fun. That is after all why they are looking for a sugar baby. You also need to keep up a tip-top appearance and don’t forget to shave or do your hair. Sugar daddies want someone who is primped and ready for a night out because after all, they want someone to show off, right?