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Sugar Babe Horse – Find a Sugar Daddy to spoil you

My Sugar Babe Horse – Gift from a great man

My wonderful and amazing man just bought me a horse! I call him My Sugar Babe Horse. My Sugar Babe Horse is the most gorgeous and amazing creature I have ever met (aside from my Sugar Daddy himself). My Sugar Babe Horse Stands at over 12 hands high, he is a chestnut brown with lovely white patches and I love his scrummy face so much.

Sugar Babe Horse

Sugar Babe Horse – Little Story

Yesterday I went riding on My Sugar Babe Horse for miles and miles. Just me and my My Sugar Babe Horse alone in the Arizona desert. I love riding on the desert sands as it is so peaceful and so soft. My mare is so docile until a rattler comes near and then she kicks it to death. My Sugar Babe Horse was a present from the most amazing man in the world. I met Bobby on and he utterly changed my life. I was whisked away from my horrid world of cutting hair and living above a corner shop. Suddenly my life was all parties, new clothing, incredible sex and flying. Our ranch in Arizona is just one of our houses and despite having grounds that run for hundreds of miles it is not our largest home!

My Sugar Babe Horse Will never get to experience our largest home as I wouldn’t subject him to the icy wastes of Canada (where we own a plot of land bigger than many countries around the world). Our Canadian mansion gives us private mountains to ski down in the winter and lakes to skate on. My gorgeous horse is not the only present my wonderful, amazing, rich and talented boyfriend bought me. Just last week I finished my flying lessons and when I landed he revealed that the helicopter we had been doing our lessons in belonged to me!

As well as our long rides in the country my darling horse and I also practice show jumping. I have a lovely trainer from Germany who is very strict with us both. I don’t think that we will ever win any ribbons (as we are both too naughty) but learning the new skills are a great distraction and amazing fun.

I know that it just sounds like I am showing off but if you had a Sugar Daddy like mine then you would want to show off too. Remember that you just need to visit to meet someone like him too, good luck!