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Sugar Babe Discography

Sugar Babe Discography is the group of English girls consisted of seven studio albums which were formed in 1998 and consisted of Heidi Range, Amelle Berreabah, Jade Eden, Siobhan Donaghy, Mutya-Buena and Keisha Buchanan. Their first album was released in November 2000 and got the peak point on the UK chart. Although the sales of this album were not up to expectations, they somehow did well.

Controversies in Sugar Babe Discography

Donaghy left the group in 2001, and Heidi Range took the position to show her performances. The second album “Angels with Dirty Faces” of the group was released in 2002 and got the fame and honour in the UK where it was reached at number two. Sugar Babe Discography is the name of the brand which has done much for its country and for itself.
Third album of Sugar Babe Discography “Three” was released in 2003 and was awarded double platinum in the UK and it reached the number three position and the fourth album “Taller in More Ways” of this group was released in 2005 when it reached number one and went triple platinum to get more fame and honour.

Sugar Babe Discography

Entry of Amelle Berrabah in Sugar Babe Discography

Buena, the active member of Sugar Babe Discography, left this group due to personal reasons and was replaced by Amelle Berrabah. The group continued to release album time to time and enjoyed more fame with introducing a newer album. Although they have lost some of their experienced members, they don’t let their group down and consistently used to release new albums time to time.

The fifth album “Change” Spring of Sugar Babe Discography was released in 2007 which was composed of dance and pop songs, reached number one. The group had earned much fame and honour due to their hard work and best performances.

The sixth album “Catfights and Spotlights” of Sugar Babe Discography was introduced to the people in 2008 and was charted in the top ten of the UK Chart and the seventh new album of this classy group was released in 2010 featuring “Get Sexy” which was peaked at number two.

Albums of Sugar Babe Discography
It has sold more than 12 million albums to the world to get fame and to bring charm on the faces of the followers.
All the albums of this group experienced a higher level of commercial success beside of leaving some of its members due to their personal reasons.During their journey to success they also faced some controversies but they collectively and individually never let the honour of Sugar Babe Discography group down at any cost.

All the members of this group worked very hard and showed their best performances to get fame and respect, and they got even of leaving some of the members of Sugar Babe Discography group due to their personal reasons. They released popular and long lasting albums to increase the joys of the people.