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I want Sugar Daddy | Find a Sugar Daddy

I Want Sugar Daddy! I’ve Decided.

Life is getting me down just lately, and I’m sure you will understand when I tell you why. I want to live my life to its glorious full. I see women walking down the street looking stunning with the latest Givenchy handbags and Jimmy Choos. I spend my life walking back and forth to my full time, minimum wage job in the scruffy old pair of pumps I bought from a charity shop well over a year ago.

I see my friends on Facebook posting photos of the glamorous holidays they’ve been on and think back to that one weekend I had off when I went to visit an old school friend at her new flat in the south of Birmingham. It rained the whole weekend and we spend most of the time in Wetherspoons. Hardly Instagram worthy!

I work hard my whole life, and my wages barely cover the cost of my flat. I’m tired, I’m bored. I want someone to drag me out of the dreadful monotony of working class life. I want sugar daddy. An old, sophisticated and rich gentleman who will ply me with champagne and designer earrings. I want sugar daddy to take me on cruises and to fancy restaurants. What’s more, he will feel proud to have me on his arm.

I want Sugar Daddy

I Want Sugar Daddy to Help me Reach my Dreams

Life is hard. I work and I pay bills and I work. I want to do more, I’m capable of doing more. But I just don’t have the time or the energy left after yet another gruelling and demoralising workday. I want sugar daddy to believe in me, to support me, to help me. Without the never ending need to earn money I can devote my time to the things I really care about. Perhaps one day I can be just as successful as he is.

I Want Sugar Daddy to Help me Make the Most of Life

We only have one life. It’s short. Youth is even shorter. I’m in my twenties now, the time of my life I will be at my most beautiful, my healthiest, my most capable of achieving. I have my whole life ahead of me and I want to live it. I don’t want to spend my time now working so that at some unspecified time in the future I can afford to hire a campervan and spend my retirement driving around Devon. I want sugar daddy to sweep my off my feet and whisk me away somewhere glamorous. ” title=”i want sugar daddy”>I want sugar daddy to show me the finer things in life and help me to appreciate them.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask. I want sugar daddy and I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to find him. I can’t carry on like this, there’s just too much world out there to explore. Wish me luck.