Have you ever asked yourself if being a college sugar baby would make it easier to pay for your tuition? If you’re in college and you need a little extra cash to help you in your studies it’s natural that your thoughts may have turned to the idea of entering into a sugar daddy/baby relationship.
Being a college sugar baby is certainly very appealing. It’s a time of your life when you have a lot of freedom and no ties. In other words: The perfect time to consider dating a rich older man.For many college girls being a college sugar baby is a great lifestyle. They are able to pay for the things they need for college. Simultaneously, they have a great social life and no money worries whatsoever. Perhaps the sugar daddy will even turn out to be a good contact after graduation. Gifts, holidays, clothes. These girls have a great lifestyle. Or do they? Here I will weigh up the pros and cons of being a college sugar baby so you can make your own mind up.
Being a College Sugar Baby – a student job that actually pays well

being a college sugar baby
I think we all know the main benefits of being a college sugar baby. A wealthy older man who thinks you’re beautiful and wants to treat you like a princess. Perhaps he will want to show you off at exclusive parties and so you will find yourself shopping for designer outfits and expensive hair cuts to make sure you look the part. It certainly seems like a very glamorous life doesn’t it?
Another benefit is the emotional one. If you take the time to meet a man who you have plenty in common with you can be sure of intellectually stimulating conversation and cultural trips far superior to any college parties you might find yourself invited to back home.
Negatives of Being a College Sugar Baby
It’s not all roses though – there are some negatives associated with being a college sugar baby. You will need to take these into careful consideration before committing to this type of arrangement.
Firstly, you may find yourself the subject of gossip and stigma. Some people who don’t understand your relationship or who are simply jealous may feel inclined to spread nasty rumours about you or talk about you behind your back. Sugar daddy arrangements remain misunderstood and you may find it difficult to explain your relationship to friends. Plus, can you imagine what your dad might say if he ever found out?!
The sugar daddy lifestyle is great. Exclusive restaurants and expensive gifts are something every girl should be able to experience in her lifetime. However, the college lifestyle is great as well. If you allow yourself to get drawn into your sugar daddy relationship you may find yourself missing out on those rite of passage experiences related to college. And think about the chance to form lasting friendships with your peers. If you are interested in being a college sugar baby these are all things which you will need to take into consideration.