Sugar Daddy Ads
Sugar Daddy Ads
Look, I’m a girl that loves her sugar daddies. Oh, I’ve had my fair share of them. It all started when I was 18 years old and I saw the sugar daddy ads that used to play late at night. I had never thought about older men in that way before, but the more I saw them the more they started to make sense and the more they started to turn me on.Basically, I have separated the sugar daddy ads into three broad categories:
Sugar Daddy Ads That Are Silly
There are some really silly sugar daddy ads out there. They seem to take issue with the fact that younger women can be interested in older men. The older men are never attractive and the girls are quite frankly a bit over the top. Everybody know that isn’t what the real thing is like at all. They are silly because I know plenty of girls my age with older sugar daddies because their sugar daddies know how to treat them right. These ads are just plain ridiculous.
Sugar Daddy Ads That Are Obnoxious
There are some sugar daddy ads that make my blood boil. In it they assume that your sugar daddy has the right to treat you however he wants just because he has some money. No, it does not work that way. First and foremost, it’s a relationship with two equal parties. The other sugar daddy ads that gets under my collar are where they portray younger women as bimbos. We’re not. We just know what we want and we go and get it.
Sugar Daddy Ads That Make Me Hot
And then there are the sugar daddy ads that get it just right. They’re the ones that hit the spot and they’re the ones that piqued my interest.They portray sugar daddies as wise and gentle, with enough steel in their pipes to command attention. These sugar daddy ads show the special relationship between a sugar daddy and his girl. They show how he takes care of her and how she takes care of him, and how there’s a reciprocal relationship. Of course, he has money, we live in a modern age where money matters. Sugar daddies show their girls how much they care, and this is only one of the many ways that he can do that. They show how experienced and exactly how dexterous sugar daddies can be. A handy man is one who will never be short of attention, if you know what I mean.
Those are the kind of sugar daddy ads that I want to see. After all, I wish all young women could be as happy as I am with